September marks the 225th Anniversary of Robert Carter III's Deed of Gift that freed over 500 enslaved people. Learn why this active member of the Church of England converted to evangelical Christianity in 1777.
How did his new association with the Baptists relate to his growing opposition to the institution of slavery during the 1780s? What ultimately led him, in 1791, to a great act of faith--an act that most men of the Enlightenment and the Church could only see as a theory, not a necessary duty?
Come to Oatlands to meet Robert Carter III, father of George Carter of Oatlands, presented by Colonial Williamsburg Interpreter Gerry Underdown. Hear how Robert Carter III's faith journey affected his relationship to slavery.
The program will begin at Oatlands Historic House & Gardens at 1:00 pm on September 24. Tickets are $20 per adult and $5 per child, ages 6-16. Tickets give you access to the talk as well as to the Mansion and Gardens.
This program is being done in conjunction with Oatlands Historic House & Gardens. For more information or to purchase tickets, go to or call (703) 777-3174.